Virgin Islands Department of Labor

Official Government of the Virgin Islands Website

Commissioner Molloy’s Veterans Day Message


On November 11th, we pause to celebrate Veterans Day. Let us take the time to express our deepest gratitude and sincerest appreciation to our Veterans for their bravery and selfless service to our country and representing the Virgin Islands.

Veterans Day is a special moment of recognition to those who have fulfilled the meaningful work of protecting our country and preserving our right to freedom by risking their lives in hazardous environments for the benefit of all.

VIDOL offers our heartfelt thanks to every Virgin Islander who has ever worn the uniform of the United States Armed Forces. We Thank you for answering the call of duty; we thank you for gallant courage; and we thank you for the extraordinary sacrifices you and your families have made on our behalf in the name of freedom, liberty, and peace.

As we celebrate our veterans throughout the Territory, we make a special note of the following Virgin Islanders who contributed to the freedom and liberty we appreciate today. These are the Veterans we salute, in addition to the countless men and women who have fought for our freedom.

Oscar R. James Sr. – St. John
Romeo A. Malone – St. Thomas
Abraham Hewitt – St. Croix

As we pay tribute to these heroic individuals, let us also renew our commitment to continue to support initiatives that ensure Veterans and their families in the Virgin Islands have access to programs, resources, and services that they need for a successful transition to back to life as a civilian. The VI Department of Labor has a mission to support Veteran Transitions and career building. The Department has the Disabled Veteran Outreach Program (DVOP) that actively supports veteran transitions and addresses possible limitations that have occurred as a result of the battle.

As we continue to recognize Veterans’ contributions to us all personally, let us make it even more personal by saying Thank you to a veteran you know or meet on this Day and moving forward. Partner with the department as an Employer or family member and contact us today so we can continue to build a network that keeps us focused on those who fight silently for our freedom. Let us not let their sacrifices go in vain. We salute you!

May God Bless our Veterans, the Virgin Islands and the United States of America!




Gary Molloy
VI Department of Labor